Jan 1 - Dec 31 | Event | General Information | Some events are still in the process of being planned, however as soon as we receive information from event coordinators, our online 'Events Calendar' will be updated. If you have questions about a certain event, please feel free to call us at 360-268-0991.
Jan 2-Feb 28 | Storm Watching |
18 miles of beachcombing at its best in Westport and Grayland. |
Jan 9-Jan 13 | Storms & Seafood |
Come enjoy a great weekend full of local seafood in Westport! Join the weekend King Tide! Participate in the passport experience! Fill your 5-day passport with visits to local restaurants, markets, and viewpoints and receive a Westport's Fresh Catch swag bag. Pre-register online for $5 Click Here. Great food, wild weather, and coastal fun awaits! |
Mar 8 | Ocosta Booster Crab Feed |
Noon - 6 PM. Come and enjoy a Crab Feed at Ocosta Rec Hall, 45 Ocosta Sixth St, Aberdeen, Wa. For more information, please call 360-648-2190 |
Mar 9-Oct 19 | Westport Charterboat Association Fishing Derby |
Compete for daily and weekly cash prizes in the Sportfishing Capital of the World. For information, please call 360-580-6610 |
April 5-6 | Mermaid Festival |
Every Weekend in April from 11am to 4pm Sat & Sun. Visit the International Mermaid Museum to learn about all things mermaid. There will be exhibits and attractions for visitors of all ages. For information Click Here. |
April 12-13 | Mermaid Festival |
Every Weekend in April from 11am to 4pm Sat & Sun. Visit the International Mermaid Museum to learn about all things mermaid. There will be exhibits and attractions for visitors of all ages. For information Click Here. |
Apr 19 | World Class Crab Races, Crab Feed & Derby |
A unique family fun experience at the marina in Westport. Come EAT, RACE & ENJOY! Races and Feed on Sat. 11 AM to 5 PM, Derby Sat. 8 AM to 7 PM. For additional information, please call 360-268-0991. |
April 19-20 | Mermaid Festival |
Every Weekend in April from 11am to 4pm Sat & Sun. Visit the International Mermaid Museum to learn about all things mermaid. There will be exhibits and attractions for visitors of all ages. For information Click Here. |
April 25-27 | 30th Annual Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival |
Headquartered at Hoquiam Middle School. Sponsored by GH Audubon Society. |
April 26 | Coast Clean-Up |
Join Washington CoastSavers, partners and volunteers in participating in the Washington Coast Cleanup in honor of Earth Day along the South Beach area. For additional information and to register, Click Here. |
April 26-27 | Mermaid Festival |
Every Weekend in April from 11am to 4pm Sat & Sun. Visit the International Mermaid Museum to learn about all things mermaid. There will be exhibits and attractions for visitors of all ages. For information Click Here. |
May TBA | Tokeland & North Cove Art Studio Tour Part 1 |
The first of two weekends from 1 0am-4pm. Over 10 studios and multiple artists selling handmade art and demonstrating the artistic process. Follow the signs, maps and information available at, Click Here. |
May TBA | Tokeland & North Cove Art Studio Tour Part 2 |
The second of two weekends from 10am-4pm. Over 10 studios and multiple artists selling handmade art and demonstrating the artistic process. Follow the signs, maps and information available at, Click Here. |
May 3 | 43rd Annual Oyster Feed |
Ocosta Recreation Hall (Approx. 5 miles east of Westport). All you can eat from 3 to 7 pm. For information, please call |
May 25 | Day of Remembrance |
Please join us in remembering those lost at sea and bless the fleet for a safe and bountiful harvest. Sunday 1:00 p.m. at the Fishermen's Memorial. Sponsored by the South Beach Ministerial Assoc., WEfish, WGCOC. |
May 26 | VFW Memorial Ceremony |
Memorial Ceremony at Veteran's Memorial Park (Street of Flags)in Westport begins at 11:00am. Refreshments follow at the VFW Hall. Sponsored by VFW Post #3057. |
June 27-29 | 23rd Annual Rusty Scupper’s Pirate Daze |
Put on by the Westport Grayland Chamber of Commerce, you are invited to see rival pirates invade Westport for a weekend of fun, food and frivolity. Dress up in your "Pirate Finery" and shop, dance, interact and enjoy the mystique of Rusty Scupper and his bawdy band of buccaneers! For information, call 360-268-9422. Additional information will be added as soon as it is received. |
July TBA | Emergency Preparedness Expo |
Grays Harbor Emergency Management will be holding an Emergency Preparedness Expo from 10AM until 2PM Located in Aberdeen. This is a FREE Family Event with Emergency Response Vehicles, Food, Vendors, Interactive Booths, Dunk Tank and More. For more information, email GHCDEM@GraysHarbor.us or call 360-249-3911. |
Jul 1-Sep 30 | South Beach Art Gallery & Clay Studio |
Sponsored by the South Beach Arts Association. Over 50 amazingly talented local and regional artists exhibit and sell their art on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1PM to 4PM and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11AM to 4PM. |
Jul 4 | Booming Bay Fireworks Display |
Show starts at dusk at the Westport marina.
July 5 | Tokeland 4th Of July Parade/Picnic |
Join the uptown parade at 11 AM in one of Washington's oldest resort towns. Sponsored by the Tokeland North Cove Chamber of Commerce. For information, Click Here. or call 360-713-1333 |
Jul 5 | Coast Clean-Up Too |
Join Washington CoastSavers, partners and volunteers in participating in the 5th of July Cleanup to remove 4th of July Firework debris along the South Beach area. Registration not required. For additional information, Click Here. |
July 11-13 | Windrider's Kite Festival |
Come and bring the whole family for some kite flying, demonstrations, games, and fun for the kids. A banquet and auction too. For more information, please call 206-755-8409. |
July 13 | Run Like the Wind Run/Walk |
RUN LIKE THE WIND - HALF MARATHON, 10K RUN, SK RUN/WALK - Come join us for a day of running at the edge of the sea and surf. For more information, please call 360-268-0991 |
July 19 | Water Bash |
11AM to 5PM Water Slides, Water Balloons, Water Guns and much much more. The Band Black Sheppard will be performing from 3PM to 5PM. For more information, please call 360-743-0556 |